5 Fashion Resolutions for 2020
Better late than never! Now that the month of constantly failing your resolutions are over, lets set some realistic (fashion) goals for 2020!
I am super excited for 2020 and what the fashion world brings us, but I do want to set some goals for what I should and shouldn’t do this year in regards to fashion.
1. Feel Confident
I think it is extremely important to feel good in what you are wearing no matter what it is. Whether it be gym clothes, lingerie, or your most fashionable outfit, clothes should allow you to feel confident and comfortable.
This 2020, I want my clothes to match my inner confidence and never second guess if I look good or not.
Image: Pinterest @beatriz
2. Curate your own personal style
Whether it be a colour palette, an era of fashion, or a music genre, your personal style matters. Fashion is an amazing tool to articulate who you are as an individual and allow others to get to know you. Band tees aren’t just for aesthetic! No shame in picking up an oversized Ariana grande or Kanye tee!
This 2020, I will express who I am through my fashion choices.
Image: cellajane.com
3. Purge that closet!
We all have THAT t-shirt or sweater we never wear, but somehow cant ever get rid of. We ask ourselves over and over again if there is sentimental value or “if it sparks joy in our lives,” but we can never come to a conclusive answer. Instead of getting rid of it, we hold on to it and convince ourselves to give that itchy sweater another chance. We can barely find the clothes we want to wear on a normal day. This is often because we have so much excess of stuff we don’t wear.
This 2020, I will donate or sell my clothes as a good start to the year.
Image: byerinelizabeth.co
4. Buy Sustainable Fashion
On the topic of purging, it is amazing to have a smaller wardrobe to choose from but you definitely need some staples. Buying sustainable clothing; although expensive, is a very good investment. You can build an amazing wardrobe with a few sustainable t-shirts, a pair of good quality pants, and a nice warm jacket. Shopping sustainable doesn’t need to be difficult or overwhelming. Check out your local thrift store first!
This 2020, I will be more conscious of what clothes I am buying and where I am buying them from.
Image: Emily Bode for @hypebeast
5. Support Local Designers and Brands
To sum up all the resolutions above, supporting local and sustainable designers is an amazing way to incorporate all these goals. Supporting local designers in today’s day in age, has a much larger impact that you would imagine. Often times, you (the consumer) are able to connect better with local designers and able to find something that reflects your own style. The artists and designers are then able to create items on demand, resulting in less waste and excess in products that is unsold.
This 2020, I will support more local artists and purchase less fast fashion.
Image: Instagram @atelieryanli