Posts in Latest
Spring 2021 Trends to Look Out for

The countdown to warmer weather begins. In less than 30 days, we’ll be saying goodbye to our thick puffer jackets and chunky snow boots. Spring will finally be here, and our stylish outfits will no longer be covered by so many layers. Here are some pieces that have caught my eye for spring 2021!

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Fashion, LatestAshley Ngo
The Best of February 2021

February is one of my favourite months of the year. Every store is decorated with red and pink decor, and the cold winter air is at an all-time blast - making it the perfect time to have an indoor coffee date with friends. This February, I kept a list of all my favourite purchases to recommend to family and housemates and loyal QFIN followers, of course. (All links to pieces will be at the bottom of the article!)

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5 Fashion Photographers You Need to Follow

Whether you are looking through the latest issue of Vogue or your favourite fashion accounts on Instagram, there are an endless number of stunning visuals from the captivating cover, portraits of your favourite models posed and styled in a way where you feel like you are looking at fine art, to conceptual editorials layered with nuance and beauty. With a passion for photography myself, I wanted to highlight a few fashion photographers’ work I find distinct and iconic. Here are 5 photographers you need to follow.

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How To: 5 Tips to Help You Build a Personal Style

Within the past couple years, building my aesthetic/personal style has been an important process to me. I know that may sound silly, but it has truly helped me express myself and mature in a way I have never been able to. Like most, I have gone through many trials and errors in my style, so here are a few tips that can make finding your unique look a little easier.

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How To, LatestJames Palmer
QFIN Conference Recap

If you were unable to attend our annual conference last Thursday, do not worry. Today we are going to break down the conference outline as well as feedback from some of the delegates on how they feel the conference improved their knowledge of the industry.

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Latest, EducationSam Ghazal
QFIN Recommends: Let’s Shop Small Edition 

It’s no surprise the amount of purchases I’ve made in 2020 has surpassed any other. Being in quarantine has definitely contributed to the number of packages I’ve received on my doorstep. To help build a greater sense of community, I’ve made it my New Year’s resolution to shop locally! Here are some small businesses I recommend checking out.

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Recommends, LatestAshley Ngo
QFIN Recommends: Hat Trends You Should Wear in 2021

2021- the year of over-accessorizing. You heard it here first! After being locked up in quarantine for far too long, we fashionistas (myself included) are itching to show the world all our new purchases bought throughout quarantine. Maybe by showing off a few of my quarantine hat purchases, I won’t feel as bad about the fact that isolation has been fueling my compulsive shopping habits. Now is the time to get ahead of 2021’s biggest hat trends before we miss them completely.

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Latest, RecommendsMarley Higgs
The Best of Fashion Youtubers

YouTube has become the go-to destination for viral trends, and this does not exclude fashion trends. As someone incredibly committed to having a unique yet trendy style, I, along with many others, have looked to YouTube for inspiration and education surrounding the biggest of today’s brands and how-to style them.

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Latest, RecommendsSam Ghazal
Choose Sustainability

Fast fashion stores like Shein, Zara, and Misguided have profoundly contributed to the amount of textile waste in landfills each year. Although it’s tempting to shop at these stores because their items are marked at such a low price (believe me I’m guilty of it myself), there are other ways to get trendy pieces without harming the environment. Here are 5 tips I try to follow to reduce my fashion footprint.

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Latest, EducationAshley Ngo
How to: Building a Minimalist Wardrobe

Minimalism is all about living with less. A minimalist invests in what they need rather than buying unnecessary clothing to better fit a season or a trend. Consequently, Minimalism drastically reduces one's impact on the environment. Here are 4 easy steps on how to transform your current closet into a minimalist one!

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Latest, Education, How ToMarley Higgs
How To: Styling All Black

Wearing all black is an extremely versatile way to put together an outfit. There is no doubt that an all-black outfit is a staple of nearly everyone's wardrobe, whether it be a date, a night out to the bars/club, or just an everyday outfit. Here is a step-by-step guide on what I think about when styling all-black.

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Latest, How ToJames Palmer
I Love Being Basic

What is the difference between being “basic” and on-trend? My answer: absolutely nothing. Individual style is an essential piece in discovering your identity. Still, if that comes at the cost of other people’s self-confidence, it is not about your faith in yourself but your superiority and individuality complex.

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LatestSam Ghazal
Utility: Artistic Direction, Inspiration, and More

QFIN’s first-ever Photoshoot challenge allowed participants to experience the planning, execution of a high fashion editorial shoot. The winning team for our first Photoshoot Challenge is the…Utility Team, Harry Meddings, Haley Stone, Brendan Reid, and Owen Gurthie. We’re here to follow up with the winners of this challenge, Owen Guthrie and Harry Meddings.

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LatestChantel Wong